Sunday, June 21, 2020

Tamagoyaki & Onigiri Breakfast Recipe

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3 Eggs (optional +1 yolk for deeper color) Chopped chives/spring onion 1/4 tsp Mirin 1/4 tsp Soy sauce Salt 1/2 tsp Sugar (optional) Furikake (optional) You can also add 1 tsp sesame oil (1/2 tsp if using strong, pure sesame oil) for an interesting taste (normally with sugar). I do this sometimes when I get bored with regular tamagoyaki.


1/2 cup Japanese rice 1 cup Water Furikake (any kind) Do not rinse the rice too much as you'll want to retain much of the starch for onigiri. Make sure to soak the Japanese rice for ~15 min before cooking. Put your flame on high; once the water starts rapidly boiling, set the flame to low/simmer. Once cooked, put it on high for 10sec, and then kill the flame. Let sit (lid on) for 10 min before opening. Or just use a rice cooker. You can add 1 tbsp sesame oil (1/2 tbsp if strong sesame oil) to the rice for a change - similar to how some Koreans do their crispy rice balls (jumeokbap?). If you can find small umeboshi (pickled plum), you can stick one inside the onigiri. Japanese umeboshi is best, but are normally pretty large. Chinese pickled plums on the other hand are normally smaller (but more sour, and I've never seen one that's pitted).

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